We study by AI natural phenomenons which are complex. We try to simplify them by mathematics, simple model. As in art, maybe the beauty of a design remains into its simplicity. This quest of simplicity is linked to our quest of explainability and understanding. Simplicity is universally understood.
Architecture, Design, Mathematics, Computer sciences, Bioacoustics, Music, are driven sometimes by this same aim of simplicity.
Architecture, Design, Mathematics, Computer sciences, Bioacoustics, Music, are driven sometimes by this same aim of simplicity.
In this way, we collaborate to the elaboration of several art shows and publications towards music and bioacoustics.
With Phd student Maxence Mercier, compositor,
we designed “Dynimax” to explore bioacoustical patterns :

We presented a 40 minutes of 3D undersea compositions to Chateau Vallon and Liberté Theaters, Toulon during Passion Bleue organized by Charles Berling in 2022 and 2023, (in collaboration with Eleanor Mercier)
We made a show with M. Mercier in Jardin du Rayol in 2022 festival.
More recently in Reims M. Mercier produced his spectacle :
“Underwater Hidden Sound Life” an immersive sound creation at Césaré FARaway, Festival des Arts à Reims.
“Underwater Hidden Sound Life” an immersive sound creation at Césaré FARaway, Festival des Arts à Reims.
H. Glotin also collaborates into the One Song, One Ocean show shown in YouTube, Arles Festival 2023 etc.
It is programmed for the OceanSummit 2025, Nice, France.
https://www.mangroovemusic. org/projets-soutenus
Université de Toulon – Campus de La Garde – Bat X
CS 60584
83041 Toulon Cedex 9
Tel : +33 (0)4 94 14 28 33