EUROPAM: European spatial-temporal large-scale sea noise management and passive acoustic monitoring of marine megafauna


The EUROPAM project aims to develop a continuous and comparative passive acoustic monitoring of megafauna in the Mediterranean Sea, the Azores, and off the coast of Norway. This initiative relies on the use of innovative scientific instruments and algorithms, notably the Bombyx buoys, developed within the framework of a previous European project, Interreg MARITTIMO GIAS.

Under the coordination of Toulon University, the project brings together partners such as Akvaplan-niva (NO), Instituto do Mar (PT), Università degli Studi di Pavia (IT), and the National Park of Port-Cros (FR).


Objectives of the EUROPAM project :

Develop a continuous and comparative passive acoustic monitoring in the Mediterranean Sea, the Azores, and off the coast of Norway.

Compare marine soundscapes, taking into account quiet marine protected areas in contrast to areas under high human pressure.

Describe marine soundscapes, along with their natural patterns and dynamics (daily and seasonal).

Develop protocols to calibrate measurements and provide comparable data across a wide range of temporal and spatial scales.

Support procedures to mitigate the risks of collisions between whales and ships


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Université de Toulon – Campus de La Garde – Bat X
CS 60584
83041 Toulon Cedex 9


Tel : +33 (0)4 94 14 28 33