” Symphony of the Old World “
Read the article (in french) about the expedition in the newspaper La Dépêche
The team from the International Center for Artificial Intelligence in Natural Acoustics (CIAN) has set course for the Arctic to continue its groundbreaking research. Building on previous missions in the fjords of Seglvik, these expeditions uncovered unprecedented acoustic choruses created by four marine apex predators: orcas, sperm whales, fin whales, and humpback whales [1].
This new mission, taking place from November 15 to 25, brings together experts in acoustics, oceanography, and antenna development. It is conducted aboard the Perseverance, accompanied by renowned French explorer Jean-Louis Étienne, a pioneer of polar exploration.
Discover the initial findings from previous expeditions: View here
Why this title?
The title Symphony of the Old World reflects the richness and complexity of the Arctic’s soundscapes, where each species contributes to a natural harmony, underscoring the urgent need to protect these wild ecosystems.
Photography : Maxime Horlaville / @mxhpics
[1] Hervé Glotin, Justine Girardet, Jean-Marc Prévot, François Sarano, Véronique Sarano, et al.. Seconde exploration bioacoustique en fjord arctique: mise en évidence de chorus inédits de quatre superprédateurs & étude de leurs interactions. University of toulon, CIAN; Laboratoire d’informatique et des Systèmes – LIS (UMR 7020). 2024. ⟨mnhn-04785408⟩