
In 2024, CIAN joins MathAData : the Maths by Natural Experimentation. (https://mathadata.fr)
MathAData develops data sciences from high school to doctorat.
Therefore CIAN builds a datachallenge on superpredators discrete calls from arctic to tropic : the challengers will have to automatically recognize the species

CIAN teams teaches bioacoustics and AI in several masters of University of Toulon since 2016:

  • Biology Master, Sciences and Sea, M1 and M2 (link here)
  • Marine Intelligence Robotics, Mundus MIR
  • ROC master in Robotics M1 and M2 (to become RISE)
  • Computer Science, DID master (to become Math-informatics)

CIAN runs also summer and winter schools in AI for Bioacoustics :

  • Tropical bioacoustic school, 2025 edition in French Polynesia (link here)
  • Bioacoustics Winter School, each winter in St Etienne, France (link here)
  • CIAN ERMITES Summer school : 2024 edition in La Garde Campus, University of Toulon, France (link here)
CIAN ERMITES summer School focus :
A yearly event that focuses into the automatic learning of efficient representations of huge bioacoustic dataset in order to reveal their intrinsic natural phenomenons.
The 2024 edition took place on 16th to 18th of May 2024, on the University of Toulon, La Garde Campus, south of France, surrounded by shady forest areas with birds and bats, at 10km from the sea.
It includes 16 sessions, from theory to practice, and a project, for a total eq. of 30 hoursIt will demonstrate and teach main basic AI methodologies for managing large complex bioacoustics data sets. The meaningful are thus how to inspect and to learn the regularities or outliers of the varieties hidden in hundreds of GB of bioacoustics data. Our framework is based on basic Python methods, illustrated on a set of real data from our advanced marine ant terrestrial recordings.
Each student will have access at any time in school to a personal Linux computer terminal with data and python access. The usage of linux and python will be simplified to the very basics.
The course will welcome a total of 32 students in two levels into two professional computer rooms.
Registration at CIAN ERMITES is free, accommodation and meals are at the discretion of the student except a buffet and coffee breaks that are offered.
It is open to any academic student from L1 to post-doctorate in biology, math, physics or computer sciences. No required preliminary skills, except a basic level in sciences.
Preliminary program :  


Your application shall be sent to glotin@univ-tln.fr with your CV (1 page .pdf) plus a one-page .pdf cover letter. Registrations are open from now until the 32 students are selected.
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